“Serve All” Community | Dwarka, Delhi

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle. ~Swami Sivananda

The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dwarka Centre provides support to My Angels Academy, a charity working in Delhi for underprivileged children and youth. These include children of migrants living in the city slums, young inmates in jail, and tribal children in Orissa. The Academy has succeeded in taking many children off the streets, away from rag-picking, begging, pick- pocketing, and involvement with drugs and the like. The children have been enrolled in school and provided with after-school activities, including English language development, sport, dance, theatre, and yoga. Over one hundred of the students came to the Centre for a feast for Swami Vishnudevananda’s birthday on 31st December 2018.

To get involved contact: [email protected]

Read about the various charitable initiatives within India here.