Become a Teacher

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle. ~Swami Sivananda

Our 200-hour Teachers’ Training Course (TTC) and 300-hour Advanced Teachers’ Training Course (ATTC) are held at our ashrams in India: Himalayas, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh, and also in Thailand. Not just for those wishing to teach yoga, many students enrol in the courses for their own personal development and for a period of deeper practice in a disciplined Ashram environment. Experienced yoga practitioners as well as students with little or no experience are welcome. A sincere desire to learn and grow as well as an openness to the teachings are the prerequisites.

The curriculum includes traditional hatha yoga practice, pranayama, yoga teaching methodology, anatomy and physiology, Vedanta philosophy, chanting of Sanskrit prayers and mantras, and study of the Bhagavad Gita. The daily schedule of the course is a packed one; Swami Vishnudevananda believed that for the mind to relax, it needs to be occupied and with little stress. By surrendering to the schedule and following its rhythms, we release whatever we may be holding onto and learn a lot more about ourselves. TTC students live a yogic lifestyle for one month, better helping them to understand and share these teachings with others.

The ATTC follows naturally on the growth and change initiated by the TTC. The focus in ATTC is more about developing your own practice of hatha yoga (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, and kriya) and deepening study of Vedanta philosophy and Raja Yoga. A study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is undertaken, as well as Sanskrit, and study of the brain and nervous system as it relates to yoga. A daily practice of advanced pranayama helps to clear the path for further growth and mental strength.

For more information on our world-renowned TTC and ATTC click here.

Download our course brochure here.