Practical Information

Uniform and Manual:  ATTC manual is provided as a part of the course material and is included in the course fee. Students are required to bring their TTC uniform to be used during the course. Uniforms are not provided for the course but are usually available for purchase at the Ashram boutique.

Meals: Simple vegetarian meals are provided at 10am and 6pm. 

Refund policy: please refer to the policy in each individual location.

Evaluation: Evaluation of students is based on:

    • Attendance
    • Performance
    • Theory during the course
    • Final written exam
    • Unsuccessful students will have to repeat the entire course with cost to qualify for the certificate

Language: Please make sure of language requirements before registering for the Course.

Things to bring: Please go to the individual Ashram site for specific requirements. These will include comfortable modest clothing, walking shoes, sandals, toiletries, personal items, meditation shawl, yoga mat, meditation cushion, notebooks, pens, towels, water bottle and torch (flashlight). Most of these items can be purchased at the Ashram boutique. 

Required Texts: These are not included in the course fee and can be bought from the Ashram boutique: 

  • The Completed Illustrated Book of Yoga by Swami Vishnudevananda
  • Meditation & Mantras by Swami Vishnudevananda

Also Bring: Neti pot, TTC manual and teacher uniforms.