Go Deeper

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle. ~Swami Sivananda


If you have completed a course of study with us or are coming from a different yoga tradition you can explore the Sivananda Yoga teachings more deeply by attending higher level courses, completing continuing education programmes, or by attending specialised courses online.

TTC graduates can further their practice and skills by taking the Advanced Teachers’ Training Course (ATTC) or Sadhana Intensive course or participate in 41 days of intense sadhana in the Sadhana Mandalam course.

Immerse yourself in the yogic ashram lifestyle for a longer period of time in one of our long-term courses, SIYVAM or STIC.

Intermediate-level practitioners from any tradition can learn how to approach their yoga practice through a more subtle lens in the Mindful Sadhana & Self-Development course.

Read articles on philosophy, Raja Yoga, Vedanta, and more by our Gurus and senior teachers for free online from our Teachings page.

Gain specialised knowledge and inspiration from the most experienced teachers from Sivananda TV, our on-demand video course platform. Study at your own pace from anywhere in the world. [embedded YouTube promo here]

Stay Connected with the teachings on a regular basis by subscribing to our monthly Sivananda Yoga Sandesha Newsletter of thoughtful writing by members of our community. We are proud that the newsletter remains AI free, to engage in meaningful reflection.

Download a number of Swami Sivananda’s books for free from the Divine Life Society website in Rishikesh, our grandfather organisation.

Supplement your yoga knowledge by studying Ayurveda in the two-week Ayurveda Wellness Course, open to all. Learn how to apply the fundamentals of Ayurveda and simple therapeutic and massage treatments for well-being.

Volunteer for a period of time at one of our Ashrams or Centres to learn first-hand through daily sadhana and karma yoga.