Teachers’ Training

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle. ~Swami Sivananda

The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashrams & Centres offers a rich and diverse range of yoga teacher training opportunities for beginners and the more experienced alike. Our internationally renowned courses are held in our Ashrams, in stunning locations that are perfectly suited to the practice and study of yoga. With nearly 50,000 graduates, the Sivananda Yoga teacher training is the largest classical yoga training in the world. The programmes are based on the ancient gurukula system of study in which the student lives with the teacher for the duration of the course. Immersion into a yogic lifestyle where daily living is part of the practice in an atmosphere of mutual support and purpose gives the student a powerful direct experience of the teachings.

Our courses cover a wide-range—for those who are just beginning on the teaching path (TTC)—to more specialised and more intense programmes for those who are seeking to advance their knowledge and practice to a deeper level (ATTC and Sadhana Intensive). We also offer a comprehensive range of further trainings and continuing education in the field of yoga teaching. Our courses are rooted in the tradition of classical yoga in which the knowledge has been passed down in an unbroken line from guru to disciple for many thousands of years. As a result we offer an unparalleled classical yoga education as well as a profound connection to an ancient yoga lineage.

Sivananda Teachers’ Training Course
Advanced Teachers’ Training Course
Sadhana Intensive
Continuing Education