Jnana Yoga (The Yoga Of Knowledge)

Crave for a thing, you will get it. Renounce the craving, the object will follow you by itself.

~Swami Sivananda

“Jnana Yoga, or the science of the Self, is not a subject that can be understood and realised through mere intellectual study, reasoning, discussion or argument. It is the most difficult of all sciences.” – Swami Sivananda. Jnana yoga, the intellectual approach to spiritual evolution, is based on the teachings of Vedanta, a philosophical system of non-duality, in which human speculation has reached its very pinnacle. It is a unique system of thought that demands a subtle, sharp intellect to understand its fundamental principles. It is a path of self-analysis, discrimination, reflection and enquiry. Vedanta proclaims that there is a common self or common consciousness in all. It teaches the oneness or unity of the Self.

Following the teachings of Vedanta the jnana yogi uses the mind to inquire into its own nature, and through this practice learns of the essential divinity, the unity of life, and the oneness of consciousness. The yogi learns to discriminate between the impermanent and permanent, the real and the unreal, to remove all barriers that separate one from another.
Jnana yoga requires a firm foundation in the other three paths of yoga (karma, bhakti, raja); without fully integrating the lessons of the other paths, the practice of jnana yoga can become idle speculation. Jnana yoga can be practised at home, in all circumstances of life, and requires only a changed mental attitude or angle of vision.